
胡恩岭博士,重庆市海外高层次人才,西南大学副教授、硕士生导师,浙江温州人。自2009年始,于香港理工大学先后担任研究助理(Research Assistant)、副研究员(Research Associate)、博士后研究员(Postdoctoral Fellow)等职位近十年;期间,于2016年取得香港理工大学博士学位(Ph.D)。2018年7月,入职西南大学,在蚕桑纺织与生物质科学学院开展科研与教学工作。在研究生培养上,同时担任生物与医药(专硕)与纺织科学与工程(学硕)专业的硕士生导师;在本科生培养上,担任学院学业导师、创新实验指导、毕业设计导师,以及大学生创新创业训练计划项目(国创、市创、校创)与大学生“互联网+”创新创业竞赛导师。

Dr. Hu Enling, recognized as an Overseas High-Level Talent (Chongqing, China), serves as an associate professor at Southwest University, China. From 2009 to 2018, he conducted research at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University for nearly a decade, holding positions including research assistant, research associate, and postdoctoral fellow. During this period, he earned his Ph.D from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2016. In July 2018, Dr. Hu joined Southwest University, China, where he conducts research and teaching activities at the State Key Laboratory of Resource Insects and College of Sericulture, Textile, and Biomass Sciences. He mentors students in both Biotechnology and Pharmacy and Textile Science and Engineering.

研究方向Research Interest

  • 快速体内止血与体外凝血 Rapid Hemostasis In Vivo and Controlled Clotting In Vitro
  • 湿润隐蔽组织再生与微环境重建 Regeneration of Moisture and Private Tissue and Its Microenvironment Rebuild
  • 功能性大健康纺织品及其产业化 Functional Textiles for Massive Health
  • 畜、禽、昆虫类生物质蛋白的高值化利用 Utilization of Biomass Protein from Livestock, Poultry, and Resource insect
  • 匀染敏感型贴肤面料的“钝感”上色工艺 Insensitive Coloration Technology for Color-Sensitive Intimate Textiles

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